
作者:原创 法学所 苏州信息安全法学所 时间:2021-11-30 浏览量:

近期,我院网络安全法治研究所所长朱莉欣在网络空间适用国际法方面研究取得重要成果。英文论文“Chinese Approach to International Law with Regard to Cyberspace Governance and Cyber Operation: From the perspective of the Five Principles of Co-existence(中国网络空间治理适用和平共处五项基本原则的思考)”在国际法领域重要期刊Baltic Yearbook of International Law(波罗的海国际法年刊)上发表。


Since sovereign States under international law are still the dominant force in coping with cyberspace threats and carrying out international governance of cyberspace, the five principles of peaceful coexistence, initiated by China, have their unique advantages in cyberspace application. In the process of constructing international norms of cyber security and cyber operation, it is necessary to develop their new significance. Firstly, cyberspace sovereignty is the extension of State sovereignty in cyberspace, so cyber sovereignty should be mutually respected. Secondly, each State should promise not to infringe, attack or destroy the cyberspace of another State, while each State bears the responsibility and enjoys the right to protect its cyberspace from threat, interference and destruction. Thirdly, cyberspace should not be utilized to interfere in the internal affairs or destabilize the political, economic and social order of other States, and the diversities of cyberspace policies in different States should be respected. Fourthly, all States should fulfil their duty on international cyberspace governance and enjoy cyber fruits together, thus enabling a democratic and transparent governance mechanism to be established. Lastly, cyberspace should be a peaceful, secure and open space, in which China is dedicated to strengthening cooperation with other countries, maintaining cyber security together, and building a shared future for humankind.